Tri-Tip Dinner & Casino Night - April 26, 2025

As a part of the Fire District's mission, we are making a conscious decision to ensure that we partner with the Kerman Unified School District (KUSD) and community organizations to create an "On-Ramp" for high school students, our young adults to discover a fire services career and buid a passion to pursue their goals.
For the 3rd year, the Fire District has provided a classroom and instructor at the Kerman fire station, where the ROP Fire Science students (Junior and Seniors) attend daily, for the full school year. These students have been and will be exposed to a potential career of service, and give them the opportunity to live and work in their community.
Graduating classes will have the chocie to continue their fire service education at Fresno Community College (FCC), where they will attend an Emergency Medical Techinican (EMT) class and then the FCC Fire Academy, and then spend two semesters in Kerman performing the full duties of a firefighter. Both the Fire District , along with KUSD are partnering to provide finacial assistance to students continuing their education.