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Administrative Services

Administrative Services

Personnel:  Activities related to recruiting, hiring, on-boarding, changes in employee status, personnel evaluations, corrective actions, are carried out by an Human Recourse Specialist, with guidance by the Executive Administrative Assistant. 


Finance:  The  Principal Account Clerk prepare and monitor the Fire District budget.  Requisitions, payment actions, accounting adjustments, Journal Vouchers (JVs) and receipts are prepared and approved through Finance.   Also, payroll and pay adjustments, purchase orders, contracts, agreements, and bids are processed by Finance through and with the assistance of Purchasing.


Facility Maintenance:  One Property Maintenance Worker (PMW) staffs Facility Maintenance.  This individual is responsible for the maintenance and repair of 6 fire stations. The PMW performs most of the repair work; however, some of the work is contracted out to private vendors. The fire stations range in age from 25 to 55+ years old.


Business Management:  The District's General Manager processes Benefit Plan enrollment, and receives injury and other employee health issues that impact the ability of employees to perform their assigned duties.  These cases are referred to Personnel Officer for assistance.  Workers compensation cases and related issues are coordinated and tracked in conjunction with Risk Management staff and the contracted Workers Comp administrator.


Information Technology:  The District maintains one Information Technology Manager, which is supported by RealTime Information Services Inc. and other related partners. This position is utilized in a wide variety of IT support. This person mines operational data  and maintains the GIS database for the Mobile Data Terminals in each fire apparatus responding to emergency incidents, and also oversee IT purchases and communication projects. Along with data analysis to assist in providing the highest level of service to the community we serve. 

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